The Artist

Stanford Fata was born 1958 in Murewa, Zimbabwe, a country world-famous for its stone art.

More about Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture

From 1997 onwards, he began to assist his cousin, the internationally renowned artist Arthur Fata, who is considered as one of the most innovative stone sculptors of the so-called Second Generation.

More about Arthur Fata

Arthur, a resident artist of Roy Guthrie’s famous outdoor gallery Chapungu Sculpture Park in Harare/Zimbabwe, taught Stanford for three years and both regularly worked together in the park.

Website of the Chapungu Gallery

Since 2001 Stanford is working independently and has managed to present his sculptures to a growing national and international community.

The artist moved to Heidelberg, Germany in 2005 and is a member of the Heidelberger Forum für Kunst/BBK (Federal Association of Visual Artists) Heidelberg and the Künstlerbund Rhein-Neckar. He cooperates and communicates vividly with other artists, thereby enriching and strengthening his works with new techniques and ideas.

Heidelberger Forum für Kunst/BBK Heidelberg

Künstlerbund Rhein-Neckar

Besides creating his own pieces, Stanford Fata is restoring Zimbabwean stone sculptures for galleries and individual collectors.